Get to Know the Green Bay Rockers

Western is proud to partner with the Green Bay Rockers again in 2024 to be their official training gym of the season! You might see some of the players in the club working hard on their fitness and working hard on their relaxation in the steam room, sauna, and hot tub, so we wanted to introduce some members of the team.

Two of their players graciously took time out of their busy schedules—with a 72-game season that’s no joke!—to answer some of our questions and give us the lowdown on their training routines, sources of inspiration, and of course, answers to the heavy hitters—like whether they'd rather face 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck!

Keep reading and get to know Green Rockers Henry Chabot and Treshon Paschal!

1. Name/Nickname & position on the team

Henry Chabot

Treshon Paschal or “Trey”

2. Describe your typical workout routine in one sentence.

H: I do full-body workouts involving explosive movements that use more than one muscle for multiple exercises.
T: Leg circuit heavy with hip mobility and arm farm to finish.

3. What’s your favorite pre-game meal or snack?

H: Chipotle
T: Chicken and rice with water.

4. What’s your go-to pump-up song for working out?

H: Massive by Drake
T: Out on Bond by Babytron

5. Tell us about a favorite baseball memory or highlight (from any time in your life).

H: Hitting a home run against our rival school in a tight game.
T: Getting scouted and talking to major league teams for the first time

6. Aside from baseball, what other sports or physical activities do you enjoy?

H: Snowboarding, fishing, skateboarding, surfing, video games, golf
T: Football, basketball, hacky sack

7. Who is your biggest inspiration in sports, and why?

H: My mom because of how hard she has worked to get to where she is.
T: Never had a real true inspiration, I just try to be the best me!

8. What's your favorite thing about being part of the Rockers?

H: The town itself is amazing, and all the amenities we have really make it a perfect experience.
T: The relationships within the team are better than any team I’ve been on.

9. Outside of baseball, what are your hobbies or interests?

H: Snowboarding, surfing, golf
T: I’m big on video games, music, and fashion.

10. If you could have dinner with any celebrity or historical figure, past or present, who would it be and why?

H: Mariano Rivera
T: Alton Mason. Get every tip and bite to figure out how to be a male model!

11. If you could swap lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be?

H: Spider-Man
T: Gojo Satoru

12. What's your favorite motivational quote or saying?

H: “Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical.” –Yogi Berra

13. What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?

H: Jumped off a 90-foot cliff in Greece.
T: Traveled to Alaska with my dad and went snowmobiling next to glaciers.

14. What’s your dream vacation look like?

H: Island hopping
T: Never thought about having a vacation so I don’t even know how to describe it.

15. What's your favorite thing to do in your downtime during the offseason?

H: Travel
T: Play other sports to keep myself in athletic form

16. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

H: Don't think too much.
T: Don’t try to be like someone—go be better than everyone and have them want to be you.

17. What’s a fun fact about yourself that your teammates might not know?

H: I’m a lifelong snowboarder
T: My third great-grandfather played on the Yankees with Babe Ruth during the Murderer's Row era.

18. What’s your favorite thing to do at Western

H: Go in the steam room
T: Use the various machines that most gyms don’t have.

19. Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses, and why?

H: One horse-sized duck.
T: One horse-sized duck. Horses have the strength that ducks will never have.

Lightning Round Questions: Pick One

Cats or dogs?

H: Dogs
T: Dogs

Early bird or night owl?

H: Early bird
T: Night owl

Power of flight or invisibility?

H: Flight
T: Flight

Tattoos or piercings?

H: Tattoos
T: Tattoos

Breakfast or dinner?

H: Dinner
T: Breakfast

Texting or calling?

H: Calling
T: Calling

Burgers or tacos?

H: Tacos
T: Tacos

City life or country living?

H: City life
T: City life

Unicorn or dragon?

H: Dragon
T: Dragon

Hugs or high fives?

H: Hugs
T: Hugs

Truth or dare?

H: Dare
T: Dare

Cake or pie?

H: Cake
T: Pie

Now that you know more about the players, check them out on the field! Visit the Rocker’s website to see their game schedule and learn more about the many community events and programs they host throughout the summer!


Staff Spotlight: Kimberly Uelmen