wellbeing workshops

Ever wanted to learn more about Olympic lifting? How to meal prep? How to do a pull up?

We’ve got you covered with our new series of monthly workshops designed to empower and educate on a variety of wellbeing topics.

Join us on the path to health & happiness–because your wellbeing matters, every month, every day.

All workshops are $12/person. Premier Class Packages can be used towards workshops!

View our 2024 calendar below and sign up today!

2024 Wellbeing Workshops

January 2nd

  • 12:30pm - 1:30pm
    with Tad Taggart, RD/N

    Explore nutrition and health in ways that you may have never considered. Discover why fad diets and weight loss aren’t an effective way to pursue health. Redefine your definition of “healthy” and discover how what you were taught may not be quite accurate. We guarantee you will leave this informational series with new insight into your health and nutrition.
    You can join Tad for 1, 2 or all 3 as the class will build on one another, but he will recap if you miss a class!

January 16th

  • 12:30pm - 1:30pm
    with Tad Taggart, RD/N

    Explore nutrition and health in ways that you may have never considered. Discover why fad diets and weight loss aren’t an effective way to pursue health. Redefine your definition of “healthy” and discover how what you were taught may not be quite accurate. We guarantee you will leave this informational series with new insight into your health and nutrition.
    You can join Tad for 1, 2 or all 3 as the class will build on one another, but he will recap if you miss a class!

January 30th

  • 12:30pm - 1:30pm
    with Tad Taggart, RD/N

    Explore nutrition and health in ways that you may have never considered. Discover why fad diets and weight loss aren’t an effective way to pursue health. Redefine your definition of “healthy” and discover how what you were taught may not be quite accurate. We guarantee you will leave this informational series with new insight into your health and nutrition.
    You can join Tad for 1, 2 or all 3 as the class will build on one another, but he will recap if you miss a class!

January 23rd

  • 9:00am - 10:00am
    wtih Ryan Doro, ISSA-CPT & Zach Prochnow, ACE-CPT

    A dynamic hour of barbell training in our new state-of-the-art strength studio featuring squat racks, free weight benches, and Olympic platforms. Limited to 12 participants, this session includes coaching in key barbell exercises like back squat, deadlift, and clean and jerk. Personal trainers Zach Prochnow and Ryan Doro will emphasize safe, effective techniques, making this workshop ideal for both beginners and seasoned lifters. Join us to learn how to lift safely and sharpen your skills with the barbell.

February 2nd

  • 4:30pm - 5:30pm
    with Katie Fichtenbauer, ISSA-CPT

    Welcome to our Mobility Workshop! Discover the joy of movement while mastering fundamental mobility exercises. This class is designed to enhance flexibility, joint health, and overall functional movement. Engage in dynamic stretches and mobility drills designed with you in mind. Unlock your body's potential in a supportive group setting and take a step towards improved mobility and a happier, healthier you!

March 12th

  • 5:30pm-6:30pm
    with Tad Taggart, RD/N

    Discover the intersection of gut and brain health. Specifically, why these two vital parts of the body are inherently linked and simultaneously impacted by our nutrition.

April 20th

  • 11:00AM - 12:00PM
    with Tony Salerno, NSCA-CSCS & Spencer Mellberg, ISSA-CPT

    Are you a runner who is looking for some tips on how to improve your technique? Perhaps you are setting a goal to run your first race this year and are wondering how to start training. Or maybe you’re an experienced runner looking for more specific information like how to prevent injuries, and train through them. Regardless of your running experience and goals, if you are a runner, then this workshop is for you! During this 60-minute session we will cover:

    A proper warm up including running drills & techniques
    Mobility for runners including hips and ankle injury prevention exercises
    Types of running workouts - Fartlek, Speed, Tempo, LSDT
    Strength Training and Cross Training
    How to maintain strength and conditioning if injured

May 15th

  • 11:30am - 12:30pm
    with Western Staff

    Ask us anything and everything you want to know about fitness, nutrition, and achieving a healthy lifestyle and mentality. Ask our panel of professionals all of your questions and have them answered during this open forum discussion. No question is off limits!

June 12th

  • 12:00pm - 12:45pm
    with Lauren Griepentrog, NASM-CPT & Ryan Kostroski, ISSA-CPT

    Join Lauren and Ryan for this workshop all about getting your first pull up! Learn how to recruit the right muscles for pull ups, how to develop the strength to do them, and gain tips and knowledge to improve your technique!

  • 5:30pm - 6:30pm
    with Zach Prochnow, ACE Certified Personal Trainer

    This Barbell Basics workshop will provide all the fundamentals of barbell training from Certified Personal Trainer Zach Prochnow. This hands-on session is perfect for beginners and intermediate lifters looking to improve their form and technique and learn more about lifting.

July 10th

  • 11:30am - 12:30pm
    with Tad Taggart, RD/N

    This presentation dispels common myths and misinformation about food and nutrition. Learn to tune in to your body’s innate wisdom related hunger, fullness, and nutritional needs.

August 13th

  • 5:30pm - 6:30pm
    with Robyn French, ISSA-CPT & Kari Merrill, Programming Director

    In this workshop we will be going over 4 pieces of equipment you can learn to utilize in the gym:

    The Bosu
    The Surge
    The Sandbags
    The Equalizers

    Learn about each item's originations, what they're used for, the “do's and don'ts” and how to perform three exercises with each one. Then get the opportunity to try out each piece of equipment in a circuit style workout!

September 12th

  • 12:00pm - 1:00pm
    with Tad Taggart, RD/N

    Discover small steps to build a healthier you. Receive an overview of nutritional knowledge from the perspective of a dietitian and learn to identify your current nutritional level. Obtain practical advice on how to take manageable and practical steps to elevate yourself to the ‘next nutritional level’.

October 17th

  • 7:00am - 8:00am
    with Krystal Morgan, NSCA-CSCS & Stacia Root, ISSA-CPT

    Discover the power of kettlebell strength training and elevate your workouts with kettlebell bottoms up training. Master proper form and engage in functional training that will take your fitness to new heights. Get ready to transform your routine with the ultimate tool for strength and endurance: the kettlebell.

November 8th

  • 4:30pm - 5:30pm
    with Katie DuBois, Corporate Wellness Director

    Gain practical, easy-to-implement tips and tricks for meal planning and prep. Join Katie for an interactive, hands-on experience using a variety of seasonal, customizable recipes you can re-create at home.

December 6th

  • 3:30pm - 4:30pm
    with Tad Taggart, RD/N

    This course helps to solidify what we refer to as “the core” and explores a breakthrough framework to designing and progressing core training in a logical way. All attendees are guaranteed to leave with new programming concepts and core exercise ideas - with a plan on seamlessly integrating them into your current workout routines. Train your core a new way and watch your performance excel!

August 21st

  • 5:30PM - 6:30PM
    with Western Staff

    Ask us anything and everything you want to know about fitness, nutrition, and achieving a healthy lifestyle and mentality. Ask our panel of professionals all of your questions and have them answered during this open forum discussion. No question is off limits!

July 24th

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