Simple Ways to Stay Active Throughout Your Day

We know that figuring out how to get to the gym on a regular schedule can feel like solving a puzzle in an already busy life. But fear not! While hitting the gym is undoubtedly a fantastic way to stay fit, there are countless smaller opportunities throughout your day to keep your body moving and grooving. Movement is the key ingredient to a happy and healthy life, and the good news is, even during those busier weeks when gym time is getting squeezed out, there are plenty of simple ways to incorporate it into your daily routine.

Whether you're at work, at home, or on the go, we've got tips, tricks, and ideas to help you stay active throughout your day without breaking a sweat (well, maybe just a little).

Morning Routine

Rise and shine! Mornings set the tone for the rest of your day, so why not kick things off with a burst of activity? Here are some simple ways to infuse your morning routine with movement:

1. Start the day with stretching exercises

Before you even get out of bed, take a few minutes to stretch out your muscles. Reach for the sky, touch your toes, and give yourself a good morning stretch to wake up your body and get your blood flowing.

(And if youโ€™re feeling like doing those stretches in good company, don't forget about Katie F's "That's a Stretch" class at Western on Mondays at 6:00am! Joining Katie's class is a fantastic way to kickstart your week with a burst of energy and flexibility.)

2. Take a short walk or jog

Consider taking a brisk 10-minute walk or jog around your neighborhood. Remember, it doesn't have to be a marathon! Even just 10 minutes of movement can do wonders for your energy levels and mood. Don't beat yourself up thinking you need to run a 5K. Just get outside and move your legs!

3. Simple exercises you can do while getting ready

Who says you can't multitask? While you're brushing your teeth or waiting for your coffee to brew, sneak in some squats, lunges, or calf raises. It's a great way to squeeze in a mini workout without sacrificing any precious morning minutes.

Active Commuting

Who said your commute had to be a sedentary experience? Turn your journey to work or school into an opportunity to get your body moving! Walking or biking to your destination is a great way to stay active. Not only will you save money on gas and reduce your carbon footprint, but you'll also sneak in some valuable exercise without even trying.

Desk Exercises

Stuck behind a desk all day? Here are some simple desk exercises to keep your body active and your mind sharp.

1. Stretching routines to combat the effects of sitting

Sitting for extended periods can lead to muscle stiffness and tension. Combat this by incorporating stretching exercises into your daily routine. Take a moment to reach for the sky, stretch out your arms and legs, and gently rotate your neck and shoulders to relieve tension and improve circulation.

2. Desk-friendly exercises to increase blood flow and energy levels

Keep your blood flowing and your energy levels up with desk-friendly exercises like leg lifts, chair squats, and calf raises. These exercises can be done discreetly at your desk and require minimal space. Bonus points if you can recruit your coworkers to join in for a midday stretch break!

3. Using a standing desk or stability ball to stay active while working

If you have the option, consider using a standing desk or a stability ball instead of a traditional chair. These alternative seating arrangements engage your core muscles and encourage better posture, helping to prevent the stiffness and discomfort that can come from sitting for prolonged periods.

Lunch Break Activities

Don't let your lunch break go to waste! Use this midday pause as an opportunity to sneak in some extra activity and recharge for the rest of the day. 

1. Taking a brisk walk during lunchtime

Instead of spending your entire lunch break seated at your desk, why not lace up your sneakers and head outside for a brisk walk? Whether you stroll around the block or explore a nearby park, a quick walk can help clear your mind, boost your mood, and revitalize your body for the afternoon ahead.

2. Simple yoga or stretching routines to relieve tension

If you prefer a more low-key approach to your lunch break activities, consider practicing some simple yoga or stretching routines to relieve tension and stress. You don't need a yoga mat or a dedicated spaceโ€”just find a quiet corner or an empty conference room and take a few moments to stretch out your muscles and unwind.

3. Quick workouts that can be done in a limited space or time

Short on time? No problem! There are plenty of quick workout routines that you can squeeze into your lunch break, even if you only have a few minutes to spare. Whether it's a series of bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, or lunges, a little bit of movement can go a long way toward boosting your energy and productivity.

Evening Activities

After a long day, it can be tempting to plop down on the couch and call it a night. But before you settle in for some well-deserved rest, consider incorporating some activities to keep your body moving and your mind engaged.

1. Family walks or bike rides after dinner

Instead of immediately retreating to the living room after dinner, why not gather the family for a leisurely walk or bike ride around the neighborhood? Not only is this a great way to sneak in some extra activity, but it's also an opportunity to bond with your loved ones and enjoy some quality time together.

2. Household chores as a form of physical activity

Chores donโ€™t always have to be a chore! Turn mundane tasks like vacuuming, washing dishes, or gardening into opportunities to get your body moving and burn some calories. Put on your favorite playlist, crank up the tunes, and turn your chores into a fun and energetic workout.

3. Relaxing activities such as yoga or tai chi to wind down before bed

As the evening winds down, it's important to take some time to relax and unwind before bed. Consider practicing some gentle yoga or tai chi to help calm your mind, relieve stress, and prepare your body for a restful night's sleep. Not only will these activities help you de-stress, but they'll also improve your flexibility and mobility over time.

Other quick ways to fit in movement

In addition to adding some structured activities to your day, there are plenty of everyday opportunities to sneak in some extra movement. 

1. Parking farther away

Next time you head to the store or the office, resist the urge to snag the closest parking spot. Instead, park a little farther away and use the extra distance as an opportunity to get some additional steps in. Not only will you burn a few extra calories, but you'll also save yourself the hassle of circling the parking lot in search of the perfect spot.

2. Taking the stairs

Elevators and escalators may be convenient, but taking the stairs is a simple way to add some extra movement to your day. Whether you're at work, at school, out shopping, or at home, opt for the stairs whenever possible. Climbing stairs engages multiple muscle groups and gets your heart pumping, making it a great way to boost your fitness levels without setting foot in a gym.

3. Active breaks during screen time

If you find yourself spending a lot of time in front of screens, use those moments as opportunities to incorporate some extra movement. During commercial breaks, while watching TV, challenge yourself to do a quick set of jumping jacks or push-ups. If you're working on a computer, set a timer to remind yourself to get up and stretch or walk around every hour. These short bursts of activity can add up quickly and help counteract the effects of prolonged sitting.

Struggling to fit the gym into your daily routine? We can help!

We know that finding the time to prioritize exercise in our busy lives can be a challenge, but the benefits of regular physical activity are undeniable. From improved mood and energy levels to reduced risk of chronic disease, staying active is essential for both our physical and mental well-being.

At Western, we understand the struggles that can come with finding the time and motivation to exercise. That's why we're here to support you every step of the way on your fitness journey. If you're struggling to carve out time for the gym or aren't sure where to start, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We want to see you succeed, and we're here to help make that happen!

Feeling intimidated about trying group fitness? Join our We Connect Buddy Program, where you'll be paired with a fellow Western member who will join you for your first group fitness experience! Your buddy will join in you in class and guide you every step of the way, from prepping your gear and equipment to answering your questions.

Or, if you're feeling unsure about using the gym equipment, come to our Master the Machines class, every first Tuesday of the month. Youโ€™ll learn the ins and outs of each machine and feel like a pro in no time.

And if you're looking for personalized guidance and support, our team of experienced personal trainers is here to help you create a customized workout plan that aligns with your goals and fits your lifestyle.

Remember, taking care of your health and well-being is an investment in yourself that pays dividends for years to come. We're here to support you every step of the way. Let's make it happen together!


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