Molly Mehlberg


Molly Mehlberg

NASM-Certified Personal Trainer

Molly is a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is also a Certified Family Practice Nurse Practitioner with over 28 years in the healthcare industry. Throughout her career as an NP, she developed a passion for helping people live their best life.

Molly has always been a very active individual. She participated in competitive gymnastics and softball as a youth and teen. As an adult she stays active with running, hiking, paddle boarding, yoga and strength training. She is married with two older children. They enjoy staying active as a family and traveling.

She is committed to helping people of all ages live their best and most active life possible. She truly believes everyone has an โ€œathleteโ€ inside of them. Molly wants to help clients at Western to overcome their fitness obstacles and develop a consistent lifetime fitness routine. She has a passion for developing and maintaining functional fitness as we age in life.



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