10 Fresh Wellness & Fitness Resolutions Beyond Weight Loss

As soon as that clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, countless people worldwide set goals for the year ahead. According to a recent survey from Forbes Health, weight loss comes in as one of the top five resolutions for the new year, but several surveys over the years have shown that only 9% of Americans actually achieve the goals they set for themselves in the new year with 23% quitting by the end of the first week and 43% quitting by the end of January! The reason behind this recurring pattern is often rooted in the nature of these resolutions, which fixate on weight loss as the ultimate measure of success.

In this blog, we invite you to break free from the conventional mold and explore a new world of wellness and fitness resolutions that go beyond weight loss. Rather than tethering yourself to the numbers on a scale, try one of these unique goals designed to nourish not only your body but also your mind and spirit. These resolutions go beyond the surface, fostering a holistic approach to health that is sustainable, rewarding, and—most importantly—free from the burden of expectations surrounding weight. 

1. No more negative body talk

Alright, let’s kick things off with some real talk – very few of us get through life without wishing there were things we could change about our bodies. In a world that bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards, it’s way too easy to get caught up in the nitpicking game. That’s why, in 2024, we think it’s time to hit pause on the negative body talk and give your body the credit it truly deserves.

Instead of giving in to that inner critic who loves to point out what it thinks are flaws, let's flip the script. Sprinkle some self-love and appreciation into your day and challenge those negative vibes by reminding yourself about the awesome stuff your body does for you every day. Maybe you’re a beast on the stair stepper, maybe you handle stress like a boss, or maybe you’ve got dance moves for days – whatever it may be, it’s time to start celebrating the incredible machines our bodies are every day!

2. Develop a better relationship with food

Unfortunately, many people have an unhealthy relationship with food, often without even realizing it. Diet culture, weight pressures, and social expectations have led people all over the world to struggle with eating. If you’re someone who finds yourself thinking about food too much, often feeling guilty about your diet, or struggling with things like restricting food, binging, and emotional eating, it’s time to start healing your relationship with food!

First things first, kick restrictive diets to the curb. Instead, focus on mindful eating – savoring each bite, listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues, and banishing guilt trips about what you eat. Consider this resolution as an opportunity to explore the diverse world of food. Try new recipes, discover different cuisines, and embrace the deliciousness that comes with variety. Your taste buds will thank you.

If you find you’d like a little help on your journey to a healthy relationship with food, talk to a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist like Western’s Tad Taggart. Tad’s philosophy is guided by Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size principles, backed by the latest in nutritional science, so you can feel confident you’re getting information that’s factual and insightful.

Schedule an initial consultation with Tad today!

3. Incorporate more play into your fitness

Time to inject some fun into your fitness routine because, let’s face it, if it feels like a chore, chances are it won’t stick. Think back to childhood when physical activity was all about games and laughter. Who says that has to end? Find a way to move that makes you smile. Whether it's a weekly dance fitness class, learning a new sport (may we recommend tennis or pickleball?), or even hula hooping in the backyard to your favorite tunes – let loose and rediscover the joy in movement. By making fitness feel like playtime, you're more likely to stick with it and, most importantly, enjoy the process.

4. Try at least one new movement-based activity

Break out of your fitness comfort zone in 2024! Trying a new movement-based activity is like adding a splash of excitement to your exercise regimen – it keeps things interesting and challenges your body in unexpected ways. Ever tried pickleball, rowing, or yoga? Have you always dreamed of becoming a salsa dancer or parkour master? Now’s the time to dive into something new that gets you moving! Just once per week try swapping the treadmill for dance fitness or the stationary bike for some new moves in the Strength Studio. Embrace the excitement of the unknown, and who knows, you might just stumble upon your new favorite way to stay active.

5. Make a skill-based resolution

Forget about counting reps or chasing numbers on the scale; instead, set your sights on accomplishments that go beyond the physical, challenging both your body and mind. Choose a skill that excites you – maybe it's mastering a yoga pose, perfecting your jump shot in basketball, or even acing a perfect pull-up. By focusing on skill development, you not only diversify your workouts but also cultivate a sense of achievement that goes beyond traditional fitness metrics.

The journey to mastering a skill is a process, and it's all about progress, not perfection. Break down your goal into manageable steps, celebrate the small victories, and relish in the satisfaction of seeing your skills evolve over time.

6. Start a meditation or journaling practice

In the hustle and bustle of fitness resolutions, it's easy to forget that a healthy mind is just as crucial as a healthy body. Press pause, take a deep breath, and explore the transformative power of mindfulness through meditation or journaling.

Meditation isn’t about magically emptying your mind of thoughts; it’s about finding a moment of peace in the midst of the chaos. Whether you're a seasoned meditator or a newbie, there are countless apps and guided sessions (like Western’s Monday evening Breathwork & Meditation Workshop). Take a few minutes each day to sit in stillness, focus on your breath, and let go of the mental clutter. It's like a workout for your mind, promoting mental clarity, stress reduction, and an overall sense of well-being.

If sitting still isn’t your thing, consider embarking on a journaling journey. Grab a notebook and let your thoughts flow. Write about your day, your dreams, your fears – whatever comes to mind. Journaling is a therapeutic way to declutter your mind, gain insights into your emotions, and track your personal growth. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to celebrate the wins, big or small, on your fitness and wellness journey.

7. Make personal wellness a priority

In the midst of busy schedules and constant demands, it's easy to put self-care on the back burner. But here's the truth – your well-being deserves a prime spot on your to-do list. Start by acknowledging that self-care isn't a luxury but a necessity.

Consider incorporating small, meaningful rituals into your daily routine – whether it's a few moments of mindful breathing, a brisk walk in nature, or dedicating time to a hobby that brings you joy. These seemingly simple acts contribute significantly to your overall well-being, creating a foundation for a healthier and happier you.

If you’re looking for new ways to take your self-care to the next level, check out Western’s new Renew wellness space. Step into a world of innovative therapies like cryotherapy, light therapy, vibration therapy, grounding therapy, and more. Experimenting with these unique therapies isn't just about the physical perks; it's about the whole experience. Trying something new injects excitement into your wellness routine, and it opens doors to discovering what truly resonates with your body and soul.

8. Get more sleep

When it comes to physical and mental wellbeing, most of us know how important sleep is, but it’s often one of the first things to take a back seat when life gets busy. Getting the right amount of sleep for your body enhances your immune system, supports healthy cognitive function, and contributes to emotional resilience. Start by breaking this resolution into smaller, attainable goals like creating a bedtime routine, optimizing your sleep environment with things like blackout curtains or an oil diffuser, and limiting screen time before bed. Aim for about 7-9 hours of sleep per night for optimal health and wellbeing.

9. Learn how to cook something new

Cooking is an art, a form of self-expression, and a gateway to nourishing your body with wholesome, delicious meals. The act of cooking engages your senses, promotes mindfulness, and can be a therapeutic and meditative experience. It's a chance to disconnect from the hustle of daily life and connect with the joy of creating something delicious. Cooking your own meals also allows you to have greater control over the ingredients, making it easier to choose nutritious options and tailor your meals to your specific dietary preferences or requirements.

Start easy by simply picking a recipe you've never tried before. Make sure it’s one that matches your skill level with a manageable number of ingredients and steps. Explore global cuisines to keep things interesting and consider cooking with family and friends for some fun bonding time.

10. Make time to rest

If you only choose one resolution from this list to pursue, make it this one. Making time for rest is a non-negotiable component of a healthy and balanced life and is one of the biggest things you can do to improve your mental, emotional, and physical health.

Rest isn’t just about sleep; it encompasses moments of relaxation, leisure, and rejuvenation. Whether it’s a short afternoon nap, a quiet stroll in the park, or indulging in a good book, these moments contribute to your overall well-being.

In a world that often glorifies busyness, it’s crucial to actively prioritize downtime. Schedule moments of rest in your calendar, just like you would any other appointment. Whether it’s a designated "me-time" hour or a weekend retreat, making intentional space for rest is a powerful act of self-care. Recognize that rest is not a sign of laziness but an investment in your health. It’s during periods of rest that your body and mind recharge, repair, and prepare for the challenges ahead.

Some small ways you can help bring more rest into your life? Take a break from screens to allow your mind to relax and learn to so no and establish limits on work or social commitments.

Western is here to help no matter what your resolution is.

As you navigate the path into 2024, remember that the journey to wellness is unique to you. It's about finding joy in the process, celebrating the small victories, and adapting to the ebb and flow of life. Even the smallest resolutions are building blocks toward a healthier, happier you and the team at Western is here to help! 

If you’ve got questions about nutrition, personal training, tennis & pickleball, group fitness, wellness services, or any of Western’s other member resources and tools, let us know! 

Cheers to a year filled with self-discovery, growth, and a renewed sense of wellness. You’ve got this!


Staff Spotlight: Tad Taggart


Eating Your Way Through the Holidays