Why September is the Perfect Month to Jumpstart Your Fitness Routine

September is almost here, and with it comes the chaos of transitioning from summer to fall. The kids are heading back to school, vacations are coming to an end, and everyone’s scrambling to find their routine again. And let’s face it, after a summer of barbecues, ice cream binges, weddings, family trips, weekends packed with activities—whew!—we could all use a little structure.

Luckily, September is the perfect time to shake off those summer habits and get back into a healthy groove. Keep reading to find out how to embrace the new season and make this fall the start of something great!

Why September is the Perfect Time to Start

1. Back-to-Routine Mindset

As summer comes to a close, it’s natural to feel like fall is a season of new beginnings. September brings a sense of order that’s perfect for introducing new fitness and wellness habits (or getting back into the old ones). If you haven’t been to the gym as much as you would have liked this summer, don’t spend any time feeling guilty! Take some time to reflect on a summer well-spent, and then embrace the transition to a more structured fitness routine. Think of it as the grown-up version of going back to school!

2. Pre-Holiday Prep

We all know what’s lurking just a few months down the road—the holiday season, complete with its endless parties, big meals, and tempting treats. The holidays can be a stressful time. In fact, nearly half of Americans report their stress levels increase between November and January. Starting a fitness routine now gives you a head start on managing those extra calories and stress levels. Plus, if you begin now, you’ll be well on your way to forming a habit that can help you navigate the holidays without derailing your progress.

3. Establish Consistency Before Winter

Let’s be real: Winter in Wisconsin can be tough sometimes. It’s cold, it’s dark, and the couch looks extra inviting. But starting a fitness routine in September gives you time to build up strong, consistent habits before winter hits. That way, when the first snowflake falls, your routine is already so second nature that skipping a workout just isn’t an option. Plus, regular movement keeps your immune system healthy, with studies supporting a clear relationship between exercise and decreased illness risk.  

4. Beat the New Year’s Rush

January often feels like the perfect time to make big health and fitness goals. But why wait until January when you can beat the New Year’s rush and establish healthy habits now? With a few months of fitness routine already under your belt, you won’t feel the urgency and pressure that often comes with a New Year’s resolution. Starting now means you’re setting yourself up for long-term success, with plenty of time to develop good habits and see progress before the holidays and beyond.

5. Fight Back Against the Winter Blues

Despite the cold temps, there’s still a lot to love about Wisconsin in the winter—cozy nights, beautiful snow-covered landscapes, fun winter sports, and of course, opportunities to build the perfect snowman. But as the hours of daylight get shorter and shorter, it’s not uncommon to feel those winter blues creeping in. As the seasons change and we get less sunlight, there’s a shift in our circadian rhythms. This shift can cause our biological clocks to fall out of step with our daily schedules, making us feel more sluggish and less motivated.

Luckily, there’s an easy way to fight the winter blues—exercise! Starting a fitness routine in September can help boost your mood and energy levels before winter fully arrives. Exercise works as a mood booster by promoting positive changes in the brain, like the growth of new neurons and the release of endorphins, your body’s natural food-good chemicals.

Studies have shown that exercise is a powerful tool for fighting depression, sometimes just as effective as antidepressant medication—without any of the side effects. For instance, research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that running for just 15 minutes a day or walking for an hour can reduce the risk of major depression by 26%.

By getting into a workout habit now, you can build a mental health buffer that keeps you feeling good throughout the colder months.

How to Get Started

1. Set Realistic Goals

The key to sticking with any fitness routine is to set realistic, achievable goals. Instead of aiming to run a marathon in a month, start with something more manageable, like jogging a few times a week or joining a fitness class. Setting smaller goals that are realistically accomplishable will keep you motivated and excited to keep going.

2. Find a Workout Buddy

A workout buddy not only makes exercise more fun but also adds a layer of accountability—you’re less likely to skip a session if someone else is counting on you!

Not sure where to find a workout buddy? Join Western’s We Connect Buddy Program! We pair Western members up with other Western members volunteers who will join you for a group fitness class. It’s the perfect way to start out and build your fitness routine around friends and community. To join the We Connect Buddy Program, please contact Membership Outreach Director Staci at staci.hayes@westernracquet.com.

3. Find New Activities You Enjoy

Fitness doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, at Western, one of our main focuses is making sure it doesn’t ever feel like a chore by offering you lots of different ways to explore fitness and accomplish your goals. Experiment with different types of equipment, classes, and activities to find what you enjoy most. Western offers over 50 classes on the schedule each month, so there’s always something new to try. Whether it’s strength training, yoga, or a high-energy spin class, there’s something for everyone. And if you prefer sports, we have pickleball and tennis available at all levels. Trying new activities can keep your routine fresh and exciting, helping you stay committed.

4. Try Personal Training and a Machine Orientation If You’re Not Sure Where to Start

If you’re new to working out or unsure where to begin, consider investing in a personal trainer. A trainer can help you establish your fitness goals, create a personalized workout plan, and keep you accountable. They’re also great for teaching you the proper form and technique so you get the most out of each exercise.

If you’re looking for a hands-on introduction to the gym, check out our Master the Machines program. It’s a free monthly orientation where members can learn how to use gym equipment safely and effectively. Guided by a personal trainer, you’ll tour the gym floor, learn about different machines, and get answers to all your fitness questions. The program takes place on the first Tuesday of every month at 9am and 5pm, so mark your calendars!

The Best Time to Start is Today

Set yourself up for success this September! With the back-to-routine mindset and the opportunity to establish consistent habits before winter, there’s no better time to begin. 

Plus, if you’re not a member yet, we’ll help you jumpstart your fall routine with no dues until October and a $75 store credit to grab all the gear you need—whether it’s a cozy sweatshirt for those chilly mornings, a pair of sweatpants for your workouts, or a backpack to carry your essentials.

If you’re already a member, we’ve got something for you too! Refer a new member, and you'll also receive the $75 store credit, along with a $5 monthly account credit for every new member you refer, for the entire length of their membership.

Visit our membership page now to sign up or start a free 14-day trial. Let’s make this September the start of something amazing together!


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Staff Spotlight: Lisa Pritzl & Empowered by Movement