Make Some Waves: 5 Things to Love About Rowing

It’s almost FebROWary and you know what that means! It’s time to make some waves! 

Beginning February 1st, Western members are encouraged to join our third annual rowing challenge. Participants race to finish to get the most meters logged on the rowers and win the grand prize!

But before we dive into the nitty-gritty details (and of course, the prizes), keep reading to learn about the top 5 reasons we love rowing and why you’ll love it too! 

1. Rowing works 86% of your muscles

Rowing really is THE full-body workout, engaging a stagger 86% of your muscles with each stroke. The magic lies in the rhythmic motion of rowing – from the initial catch to the powerful drive, followed by the smooth finish, and culminating in the recovery phase. These four stages activate muscle engagement, targeting not just one or two areas but activating nine major muscle groups.

2. Rowing is a low-impact workout.

The term "no pain, no gain" has often been associated with high-impact, high-intensity exercises. However, rowing pushes against this notion by offering a low-impact workout that is gentle on the joints while still being remarkably effective in burning calories and building endurance.

Rowing takes place in a seated position with your feet securely fastened to footplates, and the smooth gliding motion minimizes the stress on weight-bearing joints like the knees and hips. This makes it an ideal option for individuals with joint concerns or those recovering from injuries.

You won’t sacrifice a great workout just because it’s low-impact, either. The continuous and fluid nature of rowing demands a constant effort from your muscles, elevating your heart rate and maximizing calorie expenditure.

3. Rowing is efficient.

Time is a precious commodity, so finding a workout that delivers maximum benefits in minimum time can be easier to fit into your weekly routine. Because rowing engages so many muscle groups simultaneously, it’s easier to fit in a full-body, heart-pumping workout in as little as 30 minutes. That means you can get in, get on the rower, and then get on with your day!

4. Rowing is safe & fun for all levels of fitness.

Whether you're a seasoned athlete, a beginner taking the first steps into the fitness world, or someone with specific health considerations, rowing welcomes all with open arms. Rowing has a low risk of injury because of the low impact on joints and the controlled fluid movements while seated. The seated position also accommodates individuals of all shapes and sizes, and this versatility ensures that everyone can find their comfort zone in their rowing experience.

And while it’s a great high-intensity, full-body workout, it’s also beginner-friendly. The basic rowing stroke – catch, drive, finish, and recovery – is easy to grasp, allowing beginners to quickly become familiar with the rhythm and form.

But maybe the best part about rowing is that at Western, you’ll have a built-in community of rowers! Rowing Premier Classes offered throughout the month offer a great opportunity to socialize and have fun with a group of fellow rowers, and the shared experience creates a supportive environment where everyone is encouraged to succeed, regardless of their starting point.

Luckily, we’ve got 21 classes on the schedule for FebROWary, so you’ll have tons of chances to meet your new rowing buddies!

5.  Rowing is good for your mind.

We could all use a little mental break in our day, whether we’re just a little stressed or dealing with depression and anxiety. One of the great parts of rowing is that it builds a mind-body connection that allows you to zone out and just be for a little while. The rhythmic nature of the Catch, Drive, Finish, and Recovery isn't just a physical workout – it transports your mind into a state of mindfulness, focus, and mental clarity.

Once you start rowing, you’ll get into what we like to call a Flow State. The repetitive nature of rowing creates this Flow State, where the mind becomes fully absorbed in the activity.  As you synchronize your movements with the rhythm of the rowing stroke, external distractions fade away, leaving a sense of calm focus. If you’re in a Premier Class at Western, you’ll be on one of our state-of-the-art Water Rowers, which gives you the added calming bonus of the gentle sound of water swirling with each stroke. These meditative qualities make rowing a unique exercise that extends its benefits beyond just the physical.

Row with us this FebROWary!

Now that you know the many joys of rowing, it’s time to start getting those meters under your belt.

The "Let's Make Some Waves" rowing challenge begins this Thursday, and we can't wait to see how many meters you add to the challenge board this year!

Take a look at the details of the challenge below and get ready to take on FebROWary!


🌊 The challenge is FREE to join.

🌊 Stop at the front desk, put your name on your mini-rower, and add them to the challenge board!

🌊 Hop on a rower and join in on Premier Class rowing throughout the month.

🌊 Keep track of your meter count all month long.

🌊 Top male and female challengers with the most meters will win the grand prize (a FebROWrary trophy and $250 cash)!


🏆 Most Meters Rowed for both Male and Female: FebROWrary Trophy + $250 cash

🏅 60,000 meters: $250 Western Gift Card

🏅 30,000 meters: 3 Pack of Western Renew Treatments

🏅 10,000 meters: Row and Go Survival Kit


📃You must be a Western member to participate.

📃All tracked meters must be done at Western.

📃All tracked meters must be recorded on the leaderboard the day they were rowed.


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