Tips for Staying on Track with Your Fitness Goals this Holiday Season

Thanksgiving is upon us, and the winter holiday season is just around the corner! We know the holiday hustle can be rough for even the most disciplined of us, and the stress of the season can often disrupt our fitness routines and wellness habits. If you're worried about the holiday season, we've got your back with our top tips for staying on track! So grab a cup of cocoa, cozy up, keep reading, and let's sleigh this together!

Tip 1: Let yourself indulge!

Yes, you read that right – we want you to savor every bite of those gingerbread cookies, relish in the warmth of that extra cup of hot cocoa, and, by all means, take that second helping of turkey! 

The holiday season is a time of celebration, connection, and yes, treating yourself! And though many of us struggle to shed the guilt we feel about indulging during the holidays, it's important to remember to give yourself grace and enjoy the things that make part of this season special. Fitness is a journey, not a destination, and a little indulgence sprinkled with holiday cheer is all part of the merry mix. Don't deprive yourself of the joy of the season. Life is all about balance!

Tip 2: Prioritize your wellbeing

With commitments piling up like presents under the tree, it can be tempting to push your own needs to the back burner. But making time for your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing is extra important during the holidays. As the popular saying goes: You can't pour from an empty cup. Making time for yourself during the week will help keep burnout at bay and allow you to enjoy the spirit of the season more.

Part of our mission at Western is to ensure our members have the tools to focus on their physical, mental & emotional wellbeing. Take some time to slow down and practice mindfulness in one of our regular yoga classes throughout the week or our breathwork and meditation workshop on Monday evenings.

This is also a perfect time of year to establish a wellness routine at Renew, the latest addition to our wellness & recovery offerings at Western. From cryotherapy to relaxation & compression therapy to new additions like grounding therapy and oxygen therapy, there is something for everyone at Renew. We can help you find the perfect combination of wellness therapies to help keep you feeling your best throughout the holidays.

Visit to learn more and click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with a wellness specialist, Ana Kat, who will meet with you and help create the perfect plan for your holiday season.

Tip 3: Set realistic goals

We love setting big goals for ourselves, but we also know how important it is to approach fitness goals with a healthy dose of realism. The holiday calendar is often a jigsaw puzzle of family gatherings, work parties, and festivities that can throw even the most disciplined fitness routine for a loop.

Instead of setting yourself up for a struggle, consider adjusting your goals to align with the chaos of the season. It's okay to pull back a bit, recalibrate, and set more realistic expectations. If you're accustomed to hitting the gym six days a week, perhaps aim for a solid four or five, allowing flexibility for extra events throughout the week.

Remember, the goal isn't perfection; it's finding the right balance that will allow you to keep making progress toward your goals.

Tip 4: Plan ahead

In the whirlwind of holiday festivities, having a strategic fitness roadmap can make all the difference in keeping you on track. Plan your workouts in advance, schedule your exercise sessions on your calendar, or go to a regular group fitness class. Whatever you do, make these non-negotiable appointments with yourself.

If you know you struggle with keeping yourself accountable, consider working with a personal trainer. At Western, our personal trainers aren't just there to count your reps. Our PTs provide a structured training plan tailored to your needs and make sure you stick to it! Their expertise can help you navigate the holiday indulgences while staying committed to your goals. With a personal trainer by your side, you're not just investing in a workout; you're investing in an accountability ally who's always in your corner.

Tip 5: Embrace mindful eating

Do we want you to have some guilt-free indulgences during the holidays? YES! But do we also want you to feel good about your choices? ALSO YES! That's why mindful eating can be a powerful tool during the holidays.

Mindful eating is a practice that involves paying full attention to the experience of eating and drinking. It goes beyond simply consuming food for sustenance and focuses on cultivating a heightened awareness of the present moment during meals.

Rather than mindlessly reaching for that second slice of pie, take a moment to savor each bite. Engage your senses by appreciating the flavors, textures, and aromas of your favorite holiday dishes. Slow down the pace of your meals, allowing your body to register satiety and giving you the chance to truly enjoy. 

Another mindful tip is to listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Eat when you're hungry, but also recognize when you're satisfied to prevent overindulgence. Consider using smaller plates to help with portion control, and don't be afraid to leave room on your plate for a variety of holiday offerings. By approaching holiday eating with intention and mindfulness, you can relish the season's flavors while maintaining a healthy balance. 

If you know food is an area of struggle for you, especially around the holidays, consider talking to a registered dietitian like Western's RD/N Tad Taggart. Guided by Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size principles, Tad is passionate about helping people create a healthy relationship with food, backed by the latest nutritional science and a whole lot of empathy and understanding!

If you'd like to learn more about Tad's approach to nutrition and sign up for a consultation with him, visit

Tip 6: Get outside

Don't let the wintry weather keep you indoors all season! Not everyone likes the winter, but no one can argue that Wisconsin is a wonderland of outdoor opportunities during the season. Lace up a pair of snowshoes and hit the 9 miles of snowshoeing trails offered at several parks in Brown County, or head over to Titletown and make some memories tubing down Ariens Hill or ice skating around the HyVee plaza.

Getting outside during the winter provides more than just a great way to get some exercise – it also is a great way to soak up the sun during a time of year when many Wisconsinites become Vitamin D deficient

And once you can't feel your fingers and your nose is red, come to Western and warm up in the sauna, steam room, or whirlpool!

Keep on track at Western.

As you navigate the holiday season, remember that your fitness journey is a continual process. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can enjoy the festivities while staying committed to your wellbeing.

And don't forget – Western is here to support your goals! Hop into a group fitness class, set up a session with personal training, get a consult with our registered dietitian, and stop into Renew to try our newest wellness services. If you've got questions, let us know!

Here’s to a wonderful holiday season!


Eating Your Way Through the Holidays


RENEW at Western: Your Well-Being Destination